Stephen’s Birthday 2019

It’s Stephen’s birthday! Every year we just seem to get older, you can’t stop that clock!!

This year we had plans with both sides of the family 😊 it was so fun! In my family we go out to lunch/dinner to celebrate birthdays each month. Stephen is the only one with a January birthday so it’ll be all about him! 🙃

His birthday was on a Sunday this year so we went out with my family on Saturday and had dinner with his family on Sunday. Two yummy meals! This seems to be one of the biggest perks of being a newlywed, double the celebrations! 😂 in other words…double the food 🤤

He chose Olive Garden as our dinner location! Yum, yum.

One of the things that can be stressful is thinking of gifts to give for holidays! For Christmas we used an app called Elfster and it had wishlists to help people know what to get. That was super easy! But for birthdays you have to be a little sneaky to discover what people want so you don’t give away the surprise 😂

Stephen loves superheros…marvel, dc, he loves them. He collects tshirts for each of the superheros. He had so many T-shirts I will have to write a whole separate blog post about them 😂

One shirt he has been wanting is the man of steel Superman symbol. It was hard to find exactly what he was looking for because he didn’t want it to have any writing on it and all the good ones said man of steel right across the front!

Like this one

But I was finally able to find one that just had the symbol on this little website…

Now he just needs cyborg to complete his Justice League collection!

He knows this gift is coming though…I’m not sneaky enough to find out which shirts he still needs! 😂

Since he knows he is getting a T-shirt I decided to give him a couple other gifts.

I got him a scratch off world map so we can scratch off all the places we go together….maybe one day the whole map will be scratched off!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼

I also wrote down some newlywed questions that we can ask each other. When we were dating I printed 200 get to know you questions and each night we would pull a couple questions and learn more about each other! I think this is a super good idea even for when you’re married! There are always so many things you can learn about your partner and discuss, sometimes you just need prompts to get the ball rolling 😊

Here are some of the questions I came up with;

We opened the gifts at dinner/lunch with my family 😊

After dinner we did some light shopping 😜

Any guess what we are going to make?!comment your guess below 😊

For the dinner with his family we had tacos! Yummmmmm.

Then we had a brownie bottom cheesecake with cookie dough on top (I made it since he specially requested it)

The birthday boy with his cake!

And of course we had to sing!

Well that’s about it for Stephens birthday!

Stay tuned for that post about all his shirts! It will be quite impressive.

Be sure to follow our email newsletter and our instagram @Hillscapades if you want to stay up to date 😊

And comment below what you think our Home Depot shopping trip was for!

❤️ Until next time!

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